Brooklyn Book Fair and The International Day of Peace
20 to 21 September 2015
Happiness and peace forged a perfect partnership at a two day event, beginning with the outdoor Brooklyn Book Festival held on Sunday 20 September 2015, where Happiness The Delight-Tree was one of hundreds of books featured at the festival before a lively crowd of literary patrons. The following evening, poets and United Nations staff honored The International Day of Peace at an official Brooklyn Book Festival Event held at St. Ann & the Holy Trinity Church, in collaboration with the UNSRC Society of Writers. The Rev. John E. Denaro, Rector of St. Ann’s, welcomed the audience with a prayer for peace, followed by Ramu Damodaran (Chief of the United Nations Academic Impact Outreach Division, DPI and President of the United Nations Staff Recreation Council), who spoke eloquently on the relationship between peace and happiness through the work of the United Nations. Feature poets included: Meena Alexander, Dara Barnat, Rei Berroa, Rosebud Ben-Oni, Sharon Dolin, Nilpushpi White, Michèle Voltaire Marcelin and musician Premik Russell Tubbs. Peace, the powerful theme of the evening, was graced by the performance of “Peace: God’s Beauty in His Oneness-Home,” a choral arrangement of a few of spiritual teacher Sri Chinmoy’s songs. To close the evening, all present were invited to hold the peace torch of the global Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run and offer his or her own silent prayer for peace.