In Memorium: Nilpushpi White, Our Writer-Friend
Nilpushpi White, my writing friend
I heard about Nilpushpi’s passing sitting outside on a beautiful October morning. We always say a beautiful day is the most beautiful, but it truly was…..the light, the air, the breeze, the color-tipped leaves of fall. Nilpushpi would have thought as well and perhaps written so, in the deep and delicate way she had of describing things, for above all the attributes I could afford Nilpushpi—a devoted student of medition teacher Sri Chinmoy, adoring mother of daughter Govinda, long standing UN server at UNFPA, Canadian sister and friend to many, accomplished musician, artist, performer, gracious hostess, and numerous other characteristics I will fail to capture, she was above all, in my mind, a writer.
The few times I might see Nilpushpi without her notebook nearby or in hand, was if I ran into her walking through our neighborhood in Jamaica, Queens. At that time, if lucky, she would be in an exuberant mood to share a poem, observation, or witticism. The “essential” Nilpushpi combined humor, beauty and wisdom with a light touch in a way we handle treasured things. She was a serious writer, active member of the UN Society of Writers and poet (included in anthologies) but I would say her magnum opus (and I think she would agree) was the “Ollie Report”. For those of us who received her hand-delivered, by mail, quietly dropped-off at our doors, at times monthly sometimes not, but ever-changing and insightful “reports” for which if asked she would modestly suggest a readership of 150+, let us count ourselves lucky.
I could always tell when Nilpushpi was in the midst of a report by a certain buoyancy and bemused expression as if a joke were about to be shared. Ollie, who narrated the reports, was a charming Aerdale, and though I believe he began life as a “real” stuffed dog, I was content to see him at the bottom of the page, along with other characters that Nilpushpi drew and included in the reports over time.
There were many drafts prior to distribution. I came to know of this later. A report would be Nilpushpi’s unique compilation and weaving of real news events, human interest stories, anecdotes and observations, and UN happenings, told through the engaging voice of Ollie, the uber optimist and (wo) man’s best friend. After a long while, Pink Bunny appeared by chance and Nilpushpi was the referenced “Mom” in the report, as it should be.
Once In a play we performed in together, Nilpushpi, fully costumed and adding her own touch to the script, leaped off the chair unexpectedly. This was the surprise of her - quietly gathering, observing and imagining as the writer and the spontaneous heartfelt-offerer of just the right word, the right concern, the right joke at the right time. What to do, but to picture her wearing one of her most beautiful saris, luminous, among the cast….Ollie, Pink Bunny, Grandfather…gathering details for the next report.
-Bhikshuni Weisbrot