
Brooklyn Book Fair and The International Day of Peace

20 to 21 September 2015

Hap­pi­ness and peace forged a per­fect part­ner­ship at a two day event, begin­ning with the out­door Brook­lyn Book Fes­ti­val held on Sun­day 20 Sep­tem­ber 2015, where Hap­pi­ness The Delight-Tree was one of hun­dreds of books fea­tured at the fes­ti­val before a live­ly crowd of lit­er­ary patrons. The fol­low­ing evening, poets and Unit­ed Nations staff hon­ored The Inter­na­tion­al Day of Peace at an offi­cial Brook­lyn Book Fes­ti­val Event held at St. Ann & the Holy Trin­i­ty Church, in col­lab­o­ra­tion with the UNSRC Soci­ety of Writ­ers. The Rev. John E. Denaro, Rec­tor of St. Ann’s, wel­comed the audi­ence with a prayer for peace, fol­lowed by Ramu Damodaran (Chief of the Unit­ed Nations Aca­d­e­m­ic Impact Out­reach Divi­sion, DPI and Pres­i­dent of the Unit­ed Nations Staff Recre­ation Coun­cil), who spoke elo­quent­ly on the rela­tion­ship between peace and hap­pi­ness through the work of the Unit­ed Nations. Fea­ture poets includ­ed: Meena Alexan­der, Dara Bar­nat, Rei Berroa, Rose­bud Ben-Oni, Sharon Dolin, Nil­push­pi White, Michèle Voltaire Marcelin and musi­cian Pre­mik Rus­sell Tubbs. Peace, the pow­er­ful theme of the evening, was graced by the per­for­mance of “Peace: God’s Beau­ty in His One­ness-Home,” a choral arrange­ment of a few of spir­i­tu­al teacher Sri Chinmoy’s songs. To close the evening, all present were invit­ed to hold the peace torch of the glob­al Sri Chin­moy One­ness-Home Peace Run and offer his or her own silent prayer for peace.


The Ninth Dominican Book Fair, New York


Antologia Poetica International (El Dia Internacional de la Paz), Buenos Aires, Argentina