
Festival de la Poésie de Montréal

2 June, 2016

Québé­cois poets Dominique Gauch­er, Hélène Lep­ine, Jacques Ouel­let, Michel Pleau, Bhik­shu­ni Weis­brot and Eliz­a­beth Lara came togeth­er in a col­lab­o­ra­tion between the Fes­ti­val de la Poésie de Mon­tréal and the UNSRC Soci­ety of Writ­ers. LANCEMENT BONHEUR: L’ARBRE-JOIE fea­tured select­ed read­ings on the sub­ject of hap­pi­ness. Poems from Hap­pi­ness The Delight-Tree includ­ed those of anthol­o­gy poets Jacques Ouel­let and Michel Pleau, as well as those of Nora Atal­la read by Dominique Gauch­er and Hélène Lap­ine read­ing the poems of Québé­cois poet Jean Désy and her French trans­la­tion of Pales­tin­ian poet Maya Abu Al-Hay­at. Music was pro­vid­ed by an instru­men­tal ensem­ble lead by Pava­ka Ritchot. The event was mas­ter­ful­ly orga­nized by Isabelle Courteau and Soniya Rose­val. 

Mer­ci à tous!


“Poetree” draws poetry lovers of all ages to the UNSRC Society of Writers Table


International Day of Happiness, UNESCO Literary House, Reykjavik, Iceland