Rutgers University, Writers House, New Brunswick, New Jersey
5 November 2015
Co-editor Darrel Alejandro Holnes organized and hosted a poetry reading at Rutgers University Writers House on 5 November 2015, where he teaches poetry and creative writing. National Book Award winning poet Mark Doty played a dual role as both reader and Professor of English and Director of Writers House in welcoming poets Meena Alexander, Javier Zamora and fellow Rutgers Professor and poet Abena Busia (via Skype) to a reading and discussion on the poetry of happiness. Students shared in the lively and thoughtful Q&A which followed, opening with the question: How can poetry be a quest for peace? UNSRC Society of Writers member and co-editor Elizabeth Lara acted as MC in this notable event which marked the first university appearance for Happiness the Delight-Tree.