
The International Poetry Forum (Foro Internacional de Poesía: Tradición y ruptura en la poesía contemporánea), Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

9 to 11 October 2015

The Inter­na­tion­al Poet­ry Forum (Foro Inter­na­cional de Poesía: Tradi­ción y rup­tura en la poesía con­tem­poránea) took place in San­to Domin­go, Domini­can Repub­lic, from 9 to 11 Octo­ber 2015. The coun­tries rep­re­sent­ed, in addi­tion to the Domini­can Repub­lic, includ­ed Argenti­na, Colom­bia, Cos­ta Rica, Greece, Italy, Mex­i­co, Spain, Sri Lanka,Venezuela, and the Unit­ed States/Puerto Rico. At the Forum, co-edi­tor Eliz­a­beth Lara pre­sent­ed Hap­pi­ness: The Delight-Tree – An Anthol­o­gy of Con­tem­po­rary Inter­na­tion­al Poet­ry. She intro­duced the par­tic­i­pants to the process that led to the adop­tion of UN Gen­er­al Assem­bly res­o­lu­tion 66/281, which cre­at­ed the Inter­na­tion­al Day of Hap­pi­ness, and invit­ed both writ­ers and read­ers to look at the future through the lens of hap­pi­ness and incor­po­rate it in their work.


Rutgers University, Writers House, New Brunswick, New Jersey


The Ninth Dominican Book Fair, New York