
The Vision of Thomas Jefferson, UN Headquarters, New York

29 October 2004

Two admir­ers of Thomas Jef­fer­son dis­cussed the endur­ing pow­er of Jefferson’s vision in today’s world: Mr. Eric S. Petersen, Keynote Speak­er, Edi­tor of Light and Lib­er­ty: Reflec­tions on the Pur­suit of Hap­pi­ness spoke on “Free­dom in World One­ness: the Pur­suit of Hap­pi­ness through the Eyes of Thomas Jef­fer­son.”

Mr. Willard Sterne Ran­dall, renowned author, Pulitzer Prize nom­i­nee and his­to­ri­an, dis­cussed Jef­fer­son from the van­tage point of “From Diplo­mat to Pres­i­dent, From Ide­al­ist to Prag­ma­tist”.


Can Poetry Save the Earth? A programme in honour of Rio+20 United Nations Conference on Sustainable


Celebrating the UN Year of Dialogue Among Civilizations through Poetry, UN Headquarters, New York