
Universitas Hindu Indonesia, Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia

22 January 2016

The Uni­ver­si­tas Hin­du Indone­sia was the host in a mul­ti-cul­tur­al pan­el on “The Con­tri­bu­tions of Poet­ry to Inter­cul­tur­al Dia­logue and Hap­pi­ness” on 22 Jan­u­ary 2016. Unit­ed Nations Soci­ety of Writ­ers Pres­i­dent Bhik­shu­ni Weis­brot joined with fel­low Indone­sian poets, artists and aca­d­e­mics to read selec­tions from Hap­pi­ness the Delight-Tree, as well as selec­tions from the poet­ry anthol­o­gy On Human Flour­ish­ing. Dr. Diane But­ler of Dhar­ma Nature Time, a foun­da­tion to sup­port inter­cul­tur­al under­stand­ing through the shar­ing of the arts, pro­vid­ed trans­la­tion in both Bahasa Indone­sian and Eng­lish. The event was cov­ered and aired on TVRI Bali.


Poetry as Diplomacy: A Reading and Panel Discussion, Lillian Vernon Creative Writers House, New York


Human Rights Day Celebration, The Panorama of My Silence-Heart café, Jamaica, New York