
Hay Festival, Kells, Co. Meath, Ireland

26 June 2015

Hap­pi­ness The Delight-Tree, an Anthol­o­gy of Con­tem­po­rary Inter­na­tion­al Poet­ry made its inter­na­tion­al debut at the 2015 Hay Fes­ti­val, 26 June 2015, shar­ing the 4-day event with nov­el­ists, play­wrights, his­to­ri­ans, come­di­ans and jour­nal­ists. The theme of hap­pi­ness played a sig­nif­i­cant role in the festival’s theme of “Imag­ine the World” or “as the Irish say” Samh­laigh an domhan. Irish poet and Meath Coun­ty native Peter Fal­lon lent a spe­cial warmth to the event, evok­ing the great Irish lit­er­ary tra­di­tion as he opened the read­ing with his poem, “Day and Night”. He was joined by coun­try­man Bre­da Wall Ryan, Welsh poet Men­na Elfyn read­ing in both Welsh and Eng­lish, and Scot­tish poet, nov­el­ist and play­wright, Alan Spence, who also played flute and pro­vid­ed a musi­cal lilt to the read­ing. Spe­cial thanks to orga­niz­er Paula Flood.


World Heart Beat Music Academy, Wandsworth, London


Presentation and Book Signing, UN Bookshop, UN Headquarters, New York