
Antologia Poetica International (El Dia Internacional de la Paz), Buenos Aires, Argentina

21 September 2015 

SBS Libre­ria Inter­na­cional in Buenos Aires, Argenti­na host­ed a cel­e­bra­tion on The Inter­na­tion­al Day of Peace on 21 Sep­tem­ber 2015, in a pro­gram fea­tur­ing poets Julia Enriquez and Flo­ren­cia Gut­man of Argenti­na as well as Raquel Lubar­tows­ki Nog­a­ra, who trav­eled to the event from Mon­tevideo, Uruguay. Musi­cal pre­sen­ta­tions includ­ing a poem/song from Hap­pi­ness the Delight-Tree were offered by Argen­tin­ian musi­cian and gui­tarist Otto. The pro­gram was orga­nized by Suchana Cao of Buenos Aires, who has orga­nized numer­ous pro­grams for peace through­out Argenti­na.


Brooklyn Book Fair and The International Day of Peace


World Heart Beat Music Academy, Wandsworth, London