
Rutgers University, Writers House, New Brunswick, New Jersey

5 November 2015

Co-edi­tor Dar­rel Ale­jan­dro Holnes orga­nized and host­ed a poet­ry read­ing at Rut­gers Uni­ver­si­ty Writ­ers House on 5 Novem­ber 2015, where he teach­es poet­ry and cre­ative writ­ing. Nation­al Book Award win­ning poet Mark Doty played a dual role as both read­er and Pro­fes­sor of Eng­lish and Direc­tor of Writ­ers House in wel­com­ing poets Meena Alexan­der, Javier Zamo­ra and fel­low Rut­gers Pro­fes­sor and poet Abena Busia (via Skype) to a read­ing and dis­cus­sion on the poet­ry of hap­pi­ness. Stu­dents shared in the live­ly and thought­ful Q&A which fol­lowed, open­ing with the ques­tion: How can poet­ry be a quest for peace? UNSRC Soci­ety of Writ­ers mem­ber and co-edi­tor Eliz­a­beth Lara act­ed as MC in this notable event which marked the first uni­ver­si­ty appear­ance for Hap­pi­ness the Delight-Tree.


Human Rights Day Celebration, The Panorama of My Silence-Heart café, Jamaica, New York


The International Poetry Forum (Foro Internacional de Poesía: Tradición y ruptura en la poesía conte