
International Day of Happiness, UNESCO Literary House, Reykjavik, Iceland

Lára Aðal­steins­dót­tir, Pro­gram Man­ag­er for Reyk­javík UNESCO City of Lit­er­a­ture, wel­comed the audi­ence to UNESCO Lit­er­ary House where poets Aðal­steinn Ásberg Sig­urðs­son and Bhik­shu­ni Weis­brot joined with philoso­pher Gun­nar Hersveinn and rep­re­sen­ta­tive from the Depart­ment of Pub­lic Health Sigrún Daníels­dót­tir to share their per­spec­tives on hap­pi­ness. Adding to the spir­it of the pro­gram was music per­formed by an ensem­ble from the Sri Chin­moy Cen­tre of Ice­land. It was not­ed that Ice­land ranked #3 out of 156 coun­tries in the World Hap­pi­ness Report 2016.

20 March 2016


Festival de la Poésie de Montréal, Canada


Poetry as Diplomacy: A Reading and Panel Discussion, Lillian Vernon Creative Writers House, New York