To hope is to see

with the eye of the heart.
— Sri Chinmoy
  • The UNSRC Soci­ety of Writ­ers seeks to pro­mote the writ­ten word as a pow­er­ful and artis­tic tool in fur­ther­ing the uni­ver­sal goals of the Unit­ed Nations.

    We focus on work­ing col­lab­o­ra­tive­ly with UN agen­cies as well as lit­er­ary orga­ni­za­tions with­in New York City and world­wide to cre­ate unique pro­grams and pub­li­ca­tions which fur­ther the uni­ver­sal vision of world one­ness through the artis­tic medi­um of lan­guage.

    The UNSRC Society of Writers is part of the United Nations Staff Recreation Council, governed by and responsible to the laws of the Constitution of the UN Staff Recreation Council, the Secretary-General and General Assembly.

  • Membership in the UNSRC Society of Writers is open to current and retired staff members and their relatives as well as representatives of Non-Governmental Organizations, UN affiliated journalists, and the diplomatic community.

Executive Board

Ms. Bhik­shu­ni Weis­brot


Ms. Nao­mi Far­rell


Victoria Aguila


Anastasiia Konova
